Thursday, February 10, 2011

All good things must end

This post is a day late, because yesterday was our travel day. We left Cape Kiwanda RV Park about 11:45 AM and headed for Dallas. The weather was spectacular. We had a nice walk on the beach before we had to pack up and go.

Pogo was not as friskie yesterday as she had been. We think the poor old girl is not a puppy anymore and was sore from her previous days' exploits, i.e., running like a maniac on the beach. The weather was the best yesterday of all the days we were at Pacific City, but then that was both predicted and predictable, since it was the day we had to leave!

After our beach walk, we climbed over the dune that separates beach and town, and I had to make a panoramic video:

We packed up Sadie and hit the road. The drive through the Coast Range mountains was beautiful. It is difficult to capture the beauty of God's creation on film under the best of circumstances, but doing it from a traveling motor home is really a challenge. Jill rose to the occasion with the photos at the end of the slide show below, which is a recap of our entire three day adventure. (Click the photo for a slide show)

As we were enjoying the drive homeward, there was one primary question on our minds: When can we come back to this wonderful place?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What a difference a day made...

Today was the perfect storm of weather, attitude, location, company, and opportunities. We started the day with a walk on the beach. It was sooooo different from yesterday's walk on the beach. The sun was out; the wind had died to virtually nothing; the tide was up. Pogo was lovin' it. She is, as Jill says, a completely different dog on the beach.

I couldn't resist a few arty shots of the surf and Haystack Rock. I never knew that this Haystack Rock existed, until this trip. Let me modify that; I knew it existed, but I didn't know it was called Haystack Rock. I grew up going to the beach at Cannon Beach, a few miles north of here. There is where Haystack Rock lives...or so I have always believed.

Jill, unfortunately, had other ideas about photographing Haystack Rock. No accounting for taste:

On the way back up to town, we encountered this guy: a California gull, lounging on one leg in the edge of the surf.

We passed him by and headed back up to the village of Pacific City, where we took a walking tour of some of the residential area. There are some really nice homes right on the waterfront, and others that are a block or two away from the water. Many of theses homes appear to be pretty new, so I conclude this is a thriving vacation community.

Pogo began to lag behind, so we decided it was time to take her home. We put her in the motor home, and then Jill and I went to the Pelican Brew Pub, which is just across the street from our RV park. We had a lovely lunch with a view of the water. The clam chowder was spectacular. I think they may have slipped some cheese in there with the clams and potatoes. We'll be back.

After lunch we returned to the coach with resting on our minds. Pogo and I got the best spot:
I promptly drifted off and didn't reawaken until a little after 5:00 pm. Jill had put on her swimsuit, so I jumped up and changed, too. We got to the pool in time to have a nice swim and relax in the hot tub. We were pleasantly pooped when we returned to Sadie. Leftover pizza from Doryland Pizza (where we ate last night) was our dinner. We are now happily relaxing after an amazing day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Neither rain nor sleet nor dark of night nor GALE FORCE WINDS!!

Today was a day of exploring and relaxing. Above is a photo of Sadie in her "berth" at the Cape Kiwanda RV Resort. This is a nice park with a combination of transient and resident occupants. It is very nicely maintained and quite comfortable. There is a store with gifts, groceries and RV supplies, and an indoor pool/hot tub area, which we have not yet enjoyed.

After breakfast, Pogo needed a little walk, so we took her on a tour of the park. That was not, however, adequate exercise to exhaust either her energy or our enthusiasm. So, we ventured out onto the beach. Unfortunately, I had forgotten the camera, but it was so windy that we may not have been able to get any decent photos anyway. At least that's what I thought, until this afternoon, when we ventured out in similar wind to relieve Pogo's biological needs and got this picture:
And this one:
And here's a shot looking out from the RV park entrance down the street to the beach:
The building on the far right is the Pelican Brew Pub,
where we may have dinner this evening.

Saving the best for last is always fun. So, in that spirit, here is my favorite traveling companion:

Edit: Jill read this post and when she finished she looked out the window, and saw this:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pacific City, here we come!

Worship service was wonderful this morning, and my Sunday school class lesson went very well. When it was over, we went home, had lunch and loaded last minute items into Sadie.

We left home about 1:20 and headed out to highway 22. The weather was very cooperative. There was actually enough sunshine, when we left home, that we had to use our sunglasses. It was good to be on the road again. Jill was johnny-on-the-spot with the camera as we drove across the Willamette valley and into the coast range west of Dallas.

The sun lit up a hillside farm.

We have driven this route before, but it thrills us every time. There is so much to see.
Although it has been in decline for decades,
Oregon still has a forest products industry.

In winter, farmers plant their fields to reduce
erosion. I'm not sure what is planted in these fields.

We continued on past the valley and up into the Oregon Coast Range. I guess we were too entranced by the beauty of the rain forest to remember to take photos. The road is narrow and winds through the hills. Driving this stretch with and 8 foot wide vehicle requires a good deal of concentration. As we crested the summit of the pass, we began to encounter some mist, which became heavier, the closer we got to the coast.

At last, we arrived in Pacific City at the Cape Kiwanda RV Resort. We were assigned to space A22, and within minutes we were parked, leveled, hooked up, and had cable TV and wi-fi internet; all in time for the Super Bowl kick off. Jill made popcorn, and we settled in for the game. We both kept remarking how much fun it is to be back aboard Sadie, with some new scenery to enjoy.

While I was checking in with the park, Jill wandered over to the store area and purchased a fresh Dungeness crab for our dinner. Can you say, "Decadence?" Stay tuned. Tomorrow, we will explore the town and, we hope, the permitting. Yet to come is using the hot tub, dining at the Doryland Pizza Parlor and the Pelican Brew Pub.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First RV trip of 2011

At long last, having moved into our new home on October 30, 2010, we are going on our first RV outing since the move. It's true we took Sadie out for a drive the other day, but that was just to exercise the engine and the generator. This time we are going to go to a destination and spend a few days.

Our destination is Cape Kiwanda RV Resort in Pacific City, OR, a whopping 45 miles from home! One thing I love about RVing is that you don't have to go far to have a fun adventure. We used to go 8 miles to Barton County Park, when we lived in Clackamas, and had some of our most memorable trips.

Yesterday and today have been given over to preparing Sadie for her outing. I am ashamed to say that amid all the details of moving into our home, I had not even washed her until yesterday. I might not even have done that, except that I got on a ladder the night before to change a light bulb in one of the marker lights. While I was up there, I could see that the roof was almost black with the "stuff" that had dropped from the oak trees under which we were parked all summer, while we were building the house. Do you have any idea how dirty oak trees are? Yuck.

After giving Sadie a well-deserved bath, I got busy repairing the damage I did to the garage door, getting her out. It seems the pull cord on the garage door opener latch snagged on the satellite dish on top of Sadie. That released the latch, and the door dropped down a couple of feet. I couldn't see that it had dropped, because it was still above the windshield. As I moved the coach forward, I heard a crunch. The good news is that, no matter how I abuse her from time to time, Sadie never lets me down. There was no damage to the coach, but the garage door panel bent just enough to pull the guide wheel out of the track. I had to straighten the panel and re-engage the wheel into the track.

Today, I checked the fluids, aired up the tires and airbags, and made sure the furnace and water heater are working. Finally, we began loading clothing, food and sundry gear aboard. We should be ready for departure shortly after church tomorrow. Can't wait to go!