Today was the perfect storm of weather, attitude, location, company, and opportunities. We started the day with a walk on the beach. It was sooooo different from yesterday's walk on the beach. The sun was out; the wind had died to virtually nothing; the tide was up. Pogo was lovin' it. She is, as Jill says, a completely different dog on the beach.
I couldn't resist a few arty shots of the surf and Haystack Rock. I never knew that this Haystack Rock existed, until this trip. Let me modify that; I knew it existed, but I didn't know it was called Haystack Rock. I grew up going to the beach at Cannon Beach, a few miles north of here. There is where Haystack Rock lives...or so I have always believed.

Jill, unfortunately, had other ideas about photographing Haystack Rock. No accounting for taste:

On the way back up to town, we encountered this guy: a California gull, lounging on one leg in the edge of the surf.

We passed him by and headed back up to the village of Pacific City, where we took a walking tour of some of the residential area. There are some really nice homes right on the waterfront, and others that are a block or two away from the water. Many of theses homes appear to be pretty new, so I conclude this is a thriving vacation community.
Pogo began to lag behind, so we decided it was time to take her home. We put her in the motor home, and then Jill and I went to the Pelican Brew Pub, which is just across the street from our RV park. We had a lovely lunch with a view of the water. The clam chowder was spectacular. I think they may have slipped some cheese in there with the clams and potatoes. We'll be back.
After lunch we returned to the coach with resting on our minds. Pogo and I got the best spot:

I promptly drifted off and didn't reawaken until a little after 5:00 pm. Jill had put on her swimsuit, so I jumped up and changed, too. We got to the pool in time to have a nice swim and relax in the hot tub. We were pleasantly pooped when we returned to Sadie. Leftover pizza from Doryland Pizza (where we ate last night) was our dinner. We are now happily relaxing after an amazing day.