Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Yesterday afternoon, after we walked on the beach, we were ascending the bluff back to the RV resort. I noticed a trail and said, "Let's see where this goes." So we took a detour and walked 50 yards or so, before the trail kind of petered out.  At least, it became less manicured and more overgrown.  As we were turning around to head the other way, Jill said, "This is a huckleberry bush." There weren't a lot of berries, but this is what I got for breakfast this morning:


Today, the hunt was on: find Jill a swimsuit.  Well, fortune smiled on us. We looked on the internet for thrift shops, figuring that they would have less seasonal merchandise (i.e., swimsuits in October). After making our way to the Salvation Army store, we were disappointed to find that it was closed...but permanently. 

Next we found ourselves on Hurbert Street, which is where someone told us yesterday that we might find a Goodwill store.  I determined to drive it end to end. If there was a Goodwill store, it would not escape my notice.  About a block from where we turned onto Hurbert Street, I spied a women's resale shop called "Rags to Riches."  In we went, and out we came with a pretty swimsuit for my pretty bride.

OK; mission accomplished.  Now what will we do? That happened too quickly! We had planned to stop at Cafe Stephanie for a bowl of smoked salmon chowder, but it was before noon, and we were not yet hungry. We decided to make a drive to Agate Beach, where we know there is a little parking area and beach access.  It was a good place to take the dogs for a walk, and so we did.

 I couldn't resist this shot of some of God's sand sculpture.

My three girls on the beach. 

After walking a short distance along the shore, we realized that, with the strong wind that was blowing, none of us were having enough fun to continue, so we went back to the car.  We headed for Nye beach, where we parked on Beach Drive and made a tour of the Visual Arts Center. There are some talented artists in Lincoln County!

 Beach Drive is a fun, touristy area, right on the beach. 

Finally, we were hungry enough to enjoy our lunch at Cafe Stephanie.  It was worth the wait!  We followed up the lunch with visits to some local shops, and then headed back to Pacific Shores. 

 The building in the background houses the indoor pool, bathrooms and laundry.

The view along the bluff at Pacific Shores.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A beautiful day on the Oregon coast

Today, we were awakened at 6:30, when nature called Lulu.  I got up with her and we went outside where the full moon was reflecting off the ocean. The sky was filled with stars and the ocean was murmuring a hundred or so feet below us.  I took a picture, but it is not the best quality, due to the fact that my camera is a low cost snapshot camera. Take my word for it, it was gorgeous.

Later in the morning, we packed up the dogs and went into Newport to look for a swimsuit for Jill, so we can use the beautiful pool facilities. Have you ever tried to find a swimsuit in October, in Oregon?? We went out to lunch.

The Chowder Bowl is kind of hidden away on a narrow little lane called Beach Drive in the Nye Beach area.  It was recommended to us by friends, and they didn't exaggerate, when they said the clam chowder is outstanding.  Interestingly, the Chowder Bowl is about two blocks from the Cafe Stephanie, to which we were referred last year by Jill's brother for their smoked salmon chowder.  Nye Beach is fast becoming a destination for us, when we are in Newport.

Most of the pictures I took today are of the view from our front windows.  To wit:
 Last night's sunset, lens stopped down.
 Later, after the sun had dipped below the horizon.
 Lulu on alert...a dog or a person or a bird or a leaf just passed by.
 Yaquina Head lighthouse, at daybreak...
...and closer up.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.