Sunday, September 16, 2012

The "new" maiden voyage of the Sadie.

Today is Sunday.  If you read my last post, we just got Sadie back Friday from the shop, where she had her engine overhauled. We hurried home from church and put the final necessities aboard Sadie, hooked up Daisy Mae (our towed vehicle) and hit the road.  We traveled a whopping 93 miles to the Columbia Riverfront RV Park in Woodland, WA.  This is one of our favorite resorts, and it is rated among the top 100 RV parks in the nation.

The attraction is this:

...we are parked about 75 yards from the banks of the Columbia river, with an unobstructed view.  There is a nice sandy shore, where we can walk the dogs.  As a matter of fact, we did just that.  The first thing 4 month old Lulu (our Mauxie with moxie) did was to jump in the river and have a swim... not once, but twice! She is a 100 lb. dog in a 6 lb. body!

Of course, I didn't have the camera with me at the time, but there will be other opportunities. We are here for three days, and the weather is forecast to be spectacular the entire time.  I will keep you posted, dear reader, so don't go far away.

Here's Lulu looking out the window.               

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