With apologies to Willie Nelson, we are on the road again. It feels great. Sadie performed like the lady she is. We left home within a couple of minutes of our ETD of 9:00 AM. (We didn't want to show up the airlines by actually leaving on time.)
But I am ahead of myself. We arose at 6:00 AM, since we were too excited to sleep any longer. After a light breakfast we loaded all the last minute stuff (you know, cell phone chargers and the like) aboard the coach. We ran a last load of dishes and one of laundry, so that we can return to a clean house. Then I ran Sadie down to First Choice Auto for a final airing of the tires. My little compressor is just not powerful enough to put the necessary 95 psi in the tires.
When I returned to the house, I hooked up the toad, and we loaded Pogo aboard, closed the doors of the house and hit the road. On the way by her exit, we called Mom to tell her we are on our way. The weather has been gorgeous - temps in the low seventies, puffy white clouds in an azure sky - and the driving easy. We stopped for a rest break just west of The Dalles, and for another one near Boardman, where we had lunch.
From there it was an easy run to LaGrande, except for the run up Cabbage Hill at 37 mph. Still Maggie behaved, and all systems worked fine, including the new transmission temperature sensor. Heading up this 6% grade, the tranny temp topped out at 190, well within the normal operating range. I am so proud of my old girl.
We arrived at the Eagle's Hot Lake RV resort at 3:25 PM. It is a lovely park with large, level spaces, and breathtaking scenery. Pogo was happy to be done traveling and get out for a stretch of her little legs.
As I write this, we are enjoying Wi-Fi, satellite TV, and all the comforts of home. This "camping" is rough...know what I mean?
Glad things went well! I so glad someone else understands about coming home to a clean house! It is a nice feeling!
ReplyDeleteKeep it clean out there.
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