Jill hopped on a plane and was there in hours. She was nursemaid to Laura and nanny to Josiah, as well as housekeeper for the family, while Tim was at work. Laura's due date was some five weeks in the future from the time Jill flew to San Diego. Well, baby Judah could not wait that long, and he was born after Jill had been there for three weeks. (For some pictures of our beautiful grandsons, visit our blog, Pilgarlic Postings.)
As soon as I got the word that Judah had arrived, I hit the road and drove to San Diego. Jill and I then filled the role of looking after Josiah and entertaining him, while Tim and Laura got used to a new son. After a couple of weeks, they were settled in, and we came home.
So, what, you may ask, has all this to do with our Travels with Sadie? Well, after a five week hiatus in our usual routines and in our relationship, Jill and I decided it would be a good thing to take a vacation and relax and reconnect with each other. So, we are parked on the waterfront at Columbia Riverfront RV Park in Woodland, WA. The view from our coach is breathtaking; the park is quiet and well kept; and we have nothing to do for the next five days except relax and enjoy each other's company.
If you click on the photo at the top of this post, you will see a slide show of our little slice of heaven.
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