Thursday, March 7, 2013

Incompetent furnace geek!

In my last post, I described the troubleshooting process I have been using to find out why Sadie's furnace doesn't light. I finished with the conclusion that it couldn't not work after my "expert" care.

WRONG!!! I installed the furnace back into its home in Sadie, hooked everything up, turned on the thermostat heat.  I checked a bunch of stuff to see if there was a blockage in the gas line but found nothing.

After a little self-conscious wailing and gnashing of teeth, I removed the furnace from Sadie again.  Not too bad a task after you do it a few times! Then I went through the entire troubleshooting process again.  This time, I discovered that there was no voltage to the gas valve solenoid, a condition that means no gas gets into the furnace.  The manual says that this situation calls for a replacement of the circuit board (the "brains" of the furnace). 

Luck sometimes smiles on even the dumbest of furnace geeks.  There is an RV Parts Outlet store in Tualatin, and my sweet wife just happened to be in that vicinity, when I determined that the circuit board needed replacement. She fetched me a new circuit board, and I was sure my furnace troubles were not long for this world.

WRONG!!! again.  I installed the new circuit board, and now I still don't get voltage to the gas valve solenoid. What's worse, I no longer get ignition spark from the igniter! One small step for a man; one giant leap [backward] for Sadie's furnace.

I'll call the circuit board manufacturer tomorrow!

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