Wednesday, November 28, 2012

All good things must end

It's raining this morning. That was forecast, and this time of year, expected in Oregon. Nevertheless, we will miss seeing the sun for the next few days.

Today is the last day of our little jaunt, and we are a little sad, but on the other hand, we have thoroughly enjoyed getting away for a change of scenery and some respite from day to day responsibilities.  Yes, even we retired folk have those.  Routines are good, but a break in the routine from time to time is healthy.

The trip home will be both better and worse than the trip down here.  It will be better, because we will not be racing the sun to an unknown destination, and it will be worse, because we won't even see the sun. I will try to avoid the miscues that we had on the way here and trace out the route that is the most efficient.  Our Bible study group is due at the house this evening, so we do need to get home in a timely manner.

The bottom line is that we always enjoy our travels with Sadie, and we will be planning the next one as soon as we get home and catch up with those pesky responsibilities!

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